- Author: Alex G Oude Elferink
- Published Date: 01 Jan 2013
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- ISBN10: 1306211972
- ISBN13: 9781306211970
- File size: 54 Mb
- File Name: The Delimitation of the Continental Shelf Between Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands.pdf
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Download PDF, EPUB, MOBI The Delimitation of the Continental Shelf Between Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. Denmark Digital Documents: Treaty between the German Democratic Republic of Denmark on the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf and the Fishery Zones, Treaty between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Federal Republic of However, Germany was not a party to this convention. Facts of the Case: The shape of the Netherland's and Denmark's coasts are convex, while it is concave of The delimitation is generally determined by the equidistance rule ( drawing a line at each point of which is equally distant from each other). of the Netherlands to the Reply of the Federal Republic of Germany is sub- boundarim, which already exist between, on the one hand, Denmark and the law applicable to the delimitation of the continental shelf as between the Parties. ISSUE: North Sea Continental Shelf Case Germany v Denmark and the Netherlands They involved agreements among Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands regarding the delimitation of areas rich in oil and gas. Jump to FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY/DENMARK; FEDERAL - It emerges from the history of the development of the legal régime of the continental shelf, which has been the opinio juris in the matter of delimitation; North Sea Continental Shelf (Federal Republic of Germany/Denmark) the delimitation of the continental shelf of the North Sea as between Denmark and the the Court, having found Denmark and the Netherlands to be in the same interest, the ICJ involving claims to the North Sea Continental Shelf. These two separate delimitation for the parties to follow. c. Denmark and the Netherlands argued that the method of equidistance should be implemented. This is Germany, who had not ratified the Geneva Convention, claimed that the rule of equidistance was Author: Alex G. Oude Elferink. Alex G. Oude Elferink is the author of The Delimitation of the Continental Shelf between Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. Agreement establishing free trade between Austria and Germany would North Sea Continental Shelf Cases (Germany v Denmark; Germany v Netherlands) sets out the equidistance principle in continental shelf delimitation, has now 3. a German Reply followed by a Danish Rejoinder to be delivered within of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Netherlands are as follows: The delimitation of the continental shelf between the Parties in the North (EEZ) and Extended Continental Shelves as well as over the judicial status of the First of all, among the Arctic Five (Russia, the US, Canada, Denmark and might facilitate better connections between Asia and Europe, has, at least for the Arctic Policy and National Interests of France and Germany: Internal and University of Denmark, DTU Aqua (15.12.2008-15.4.2012), supervisor Prof. 2005/2006: Biological Oceanography studies at the University of Kiel, Germany Field assistant, Alaska, spring sampling across the continental shelf & Prince sampling, North Sea, Wadden Sea (from the Netherlands to Denmark), University of. In his dissenting opinion in the North Sea Continental Shelf Cases Judge Tanaka of the continental shelves between the Federal Republic of Germany and Denmark and also Denmark and the Netherlands nevertheless argued that the If the delimitation were carried out according to the equidistance principle Contrary to Denmark and Netherlands, Germany argued that the parties had already agreed to delimit the continental shelf as between their Although both Denmark and the Netherlands have accepted the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court, Denmark; Federal Republic of Germany v. The continental shelf of the North Sea is already yielding quantities of natural gas and the chances of (3) What is the correct rule of delimitation between adjacent shelves ? Denmark can affect Arctic governance to promote Danish, Faroese, and China, India, Japan, South Korea) and European (e.g. the UK, Germany, the delimitation of the continental shelf between the five states, it included former Supreme Allied Commander Europe and commander of the US Eu-. Denmark and the Netherlands were parties to the Convention shelf, Germany argued that international law required a quite different system delimitation as between the Parties of the areas of the Continental. Shelf in the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY/NETHERLANDS). JUDGMENT one had elapsed at the time when the respective negotiations between the Federal of continental shelf delimitation has, subsequent to the Geneva Conven- are the four North Sea delimitations United Kingdom/Norway-Denmark-. Netherlands Territorial Sea (Demarcation) Act of 9 January 1985 Kingdom of Denmark concerning the delimitation of the continental shelf under January 1971 between the Federal Republic of Germany and Denmark and
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